I am trying to validate a login request where it accepts a username that can either be a email or username, and a password. How can I do this with Express-Validator?
I'm reading the documentation and the way the validator works is that you have to pass in the data as the second argument. I'm not sure how that's done with checking to see if it's also a username or password.
router.post("/", (req, res) => {
const { nickname, password } = req.body;
// Create a new object based on email or username
const login = {};
if (nickname.indexOf('@') === -1) {
login.nickname = nickname;
} else {
login.email = nickname;
login.password = password;
// JWT Sign...
With the validator, I'd also like to check if it's
router.post("/", (req, res) => {
const { nickname, password } = req.body;
// Create a new object based on email or username
const login = {};
if (nickname.indexOf('@') === -1) {
check('nickname').isLength({ 'min': 3 });
login.nickname = nickname;
} else {
login.email = nickname;
login.password = password;
const errors = validationResult(req);
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
return res.status(422).json({ errors: errors.array() });
Seemed like the validator just didn't work.
try this,
npm install validator
npm install express-validator
const {check, oneOf } = require('express-validator')
const validator = require('validator')
in your validation function try this,
check('nickname').not().isEmpty().isString().custom((value, {req})=>{
req.body.flag = true
// you can handler your req.body here ....
return true