Is there any nice way to use (potentially) undefined Variables (like from external input) as optional Function parameters?
$a = 1;
function foo($a, $b=2){
//do stuff
echo $a, $b;
foo($a, $b); //notice $b is undefined, optional value does not get used.
//output: 1
//this is even worse as other erros are also suppressed
@foo($a, $b); //output: 1
//this also does not work since $b is now explicitly declared as "null" and therefore the default value does not get used
$b ??= null;
foo($a,$b); //output: 1
//very,very ugly hack, but working:
$r = new ReflectionFunction('foo');
$b = $r->getParameters()[1]->getDefaultValue(); //still would have to check if $b is already set
foo($a,$b); //output: 12
the only semi-useful method I can think of so far is to not defining the default value as parameter but inside the actual function and using "null" as intermediary like this:
function bar ($c, $d=null){
$d ??= 4;
echo $c,$d;
$c = 3
$d ??= null;
bar($c,$d); //output: 34
But using this I still have to check the parameter twice: Once if it is set before calling the function and once if it is null inside the function.
Is there any other nice solution?
Ideally you wouldn't pass $b
in this scenario. I don't remember ever running into a situation where I didn't know if a variable existed and passed it to a function anyway:
But to do it you would need to determine how to call the function:
isset($b) ? foo($a, $b) : foo($a);
This is kind of hackish, but if you needed a reference anyway it will be created:
function foo($a, &$b){
$b = $b ?? 4;
$a = 1;
foo($a, $b);