I want to sent email instructions to reset users password using devise gem. To do so I override passwords_controller
class PasswordsController < Devise::PasswordsController
respond_to :json
def create
account = ::Account.find_by(email: password_reset_params[:email])
head 200
def password_reset_params
with view - app/views/accounts/mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb
<p>Hello <%= @resource.email %>!</p>
<p>This is a password reset request, click on the link below:</p>
<p><%= link_to 'Change my password', edit_password_url(@resource, reset_password_token: @token) %></p>
But instead of above email I received standard message:
Hello test@test.com!
Someone has requested a link to change your password. You can do this through the link below.
Change my password
If you didn't request this, please ignore this email.
Your password won't change until you access the link above and create a new one.
Should I change something else?
in initializers/devise
I've got config.mailer = 'Devise::Mailer'
routes are changed:
devise_for :accounts, singular: 'account', path: '', controllers: {
passwords: 'api/v1/account/passwords',
After the suggestion in the Max's comments all I had to do was move mailer view file from app/views/accounts/mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb
to -> app/views/devise/mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb