Is there a way to convert timedelta
columns to strings in the "%H:%M" format? I need this even for timedelta
s with more than 24 hours
I want to do this to make a .csv file that can be used in spreadsheets-like softwares (excel, google sheets...)
There's nothing built-in. You have to roll your own:
s = pd.to_timedelta(['0:10:00', '12:34:56', '25:12:34']).to_series()
s.dt.total_seconds().apply(lambda s: f'{s // 3600:02.0f}:{(s % 3600) // 60:02.0f}')
0 days 00:10:00 00:10
0 days 12:34:56 12:34
1 days 01:12:34 25:12
dtype: object