I am using a timeline chart from Apexcharts 3.19.0 and I noticed that every time I add a new vertical "category" the bars start to shrink. Is it possible to set the bar height a fixed size?
I am building a timeline chart that represents a production line. Bars are the production and the categories are the machines. And one build is related only to one machine.
This is the series that I pass and if I continue to add new machines bars continue to shrink.
I noticed that Apexcharts makes every bar with such height that every row can take all bars, but I don't need this in my case.
"name": "B-2004281001-6763",
"data": [
"x": "Cube 3-1",
"y": [
"name": "B-2004281000-8133",
"data": [
"x": "BiZon Prusa i3 Steel-2",
"y": [
"name": "B-2004281001-9110",
"data": [
"x": "BiZon Prusa i3 Steel-2",
"y": [
That's how my chart looks like
I had a similar issue and I got around it by using a common shared "x" value ("Production" in your example) and setting "name" values in the series data arrays that were then displayed by dataLabels.
So your modified data:
name: "B-2004281001-6763",
data: [{ name: "Cube 3-1", x: "Production", y: [ 1588068083109, 1588071676403 ] }]
name: "B-2004281000-8133",
data: [{ name: "BiZon Prusa i3 Steel-2", x: "Production", y: [1588068021615, 1588075213496 ] }]
name: "B-2004281001-9110",
data: [{ name: "BiZon Prusa i3 Steel-2", x: "Production", y: [1588068068356, 1588078856311 ], } ]
and the corresponding dataLabels option (black text color for visibility)
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
formatter: function(val, opts) {
return opts.w.config.series[opts.seriesIndex].data[opts.dataPointIndex].name;
style: {
colors: ["#000000"]
Check it out here