Using R, I want to grab the .csv from this site: but there is no link associated with the download it just pops up automatically. Usually, I would use httr
to download but when I right-click the the link it doesn't give me the option to copy a URL. There's not much of a reproducible example because, well, I can't even get the file downloaded.
overwrite = TRUE)
This seems to work...
I opened the URL in chrome, hit F12, clicked network, trash can to clear, reload page. Then looked for some request to download the data. I saw the URL below returned JSON.
df <- fromJSON("")
> head(df)
pos bib participantsname event home g a miles km yourapproximatelocation comp projfin 51 52 53 54
1 1 17395 Gingerbread Man GVRAT US-TN M 145 275.6 443.5 Cowley Hollow 43.50% tbd 83 43 49 52
2 2 1074 Terri Biloski GVRAT CA-ON F 44 274.6 442.0 Cowley Hollow 43.30% tbd 63 59 52 52
3 3 1429 Dave Proctor GVRAT CA-AB M 39 255.3 410.8 Cowley Hollow 40.30% tbd 62 62 5 62
4 4 743 John Sharp GVRAT US-TX M 42 235.0 378.2 Reed Hollow 37.10% tbd 34 41 46 54
5 5 386 Roc Powell GVRAT US-OH M 60 226.0 363.7 Britton Hollow 35.60% tbd 35 75 63 43
6 6 322 Rob Donkersloot GVRAT AU M 60 190.7 306.9 past Deerfield 30.10% tbd 42 42 43 32
55 56 57 58 59 51_1
1 48
2 48
3 63
4 60
5 10
6 32