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How to remove text from Google Docs using App Scripts?

I just recently built a series of documents using Google Script and Form/Sheets.

The document generates in Google Docs via the script, using the data provided in the initial form.

The setup is basically as below:

Conditions to pass

  • Class: {{CLASS}}
  • Minimum Grade: {{MINIMUM_GRADE}} / 10
  • Minimum attendance: {{ATTENDANCE_PERC}}% with a minimum of {{ATTENDANCE}} attendances over the semester

Where the form input is placed between those {{ }}.

Currently, this case would show something like:

  • Class: 3rd Year
  • Minimum Grade: Not Applicable / 10
  • Minimum attendance: 70% with a minimum of 15 attendances over the semester

But I would like:

  • Class: 3rd Year
  • Minimum attendance: 70% with a minimum of 15 attendances over the semester

Is there any way that I can make Google Script automatically remove, any of the the bullet point, for example here "Minimum Grade" if the answer to this question is "Not Applicable"?


  • Answer:

    You can get all children of the Document, and remove the child from the body if the Element object is a LIST_ITEM and the Element object contains the text "Not Applicable".

    More Information:

    The structure of a Document is quite tricky, but knowing that a given child is a LIST_ITEM Element type, you can check to see if it contains the text you require and subsequently remove the child from the body of the Document.


    function removeListItem() {
      var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
      var noOfChildren = body.getNumChildren();
      var childrenToRemove = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < noOfChildren; i++) {
        var child = body.getChild(i);
        var childType = child.getType();
        if (childType == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM) {
          if (child.asListItem().findText("Not Applicable") !== null ) {
      childrenToRemove.forEach(function(child) {
        try {
        catch(e) {
          if (e == "Exception: Can't remove the last paragraph in a document section.") {
