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Yahoo finance historical close price to google sheets returns n/a for close later than 100 days

I try to print historic adjusted close prices from Yahoo finance to Google Sheets.

=ImportXML(""&B57&"/history?p="&B57, "//tbody/tr[21]/td[6]")

Cell B57 is for example "SPY".

This works fine for historic prices up to 100 days. (it is adjusted here: tr[100])

When I try to get prices later 100 days it returns "N/A". These prices are visible on yahoo finance.

It there a way to adjust XPATH that it works?

I noticed, that in the html code of yahoo pices about 100 days don't have this "data-reactid=1520" in the tr tag.


  • Answer:

    IMPORTXML can not retrieve data which is populated by a script, and so using this formula to retrieve data from this table is not possible to do.

    More Information:

    As the first 100 values are loaded into the page without the use of JavaScript (as you can see by disabling JavaScript for and reloading the page), the information can be retrieved by IMPORTXML.

    As the data after the first 100 results is generated on-the-fly after scrolling down the page, the newly available data is not retrievable by IMPORTXML - as far as the formula sees, there is no 101st <tr> element and so it displays N/A: Imported content is empty .


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