I've been working on this school project. It's project about Weather info web page. I've done 90% of project but i've been stuck on this part: I created index page with login and registration. Both login and registration have been connected to phpmyadmin/mysql and all works fine. After index.html user then goes to page where he will confirm he's data(data is pulled from mysql). Now problem is when i register new user, it always pulls data of last user in mysql table(eg. i log on with 1st user in table but i get data from last person in table), so i need something to "attach" to user who is logging in, so that page pulls his name and location, not from last user in table. I hope u will understand my problem. I've been using mostly PHP for retriving data then forwarding it to HTML to display data. code of index page with login code of page where u get after login
If I understood right your question, you need a php $_SESSION. You can create $_SESSION after your login form (if successful). And you can check data of this $_SESSION at another PHP pages.
// Start the session (it must be in every PHP file, which you use $_SESSION)
<!DOCTYPE html>
// Create session
$_SESSION["session_name"] = "test";
$_SESSION["user_id"] = 1;
$_SESSION["username"] = "test_user";
//In other php pages
//Check session and if exists, retrieve data
$user_id = $_SESSION["user_id"];
echo "There are not any logged user.";