I would like to remove a digital signature from a VBA signed excel macro file. However when I look at EPPlus's library I see that the "Signature" property is read-only, and setting the Certificate as null doesn't seem to remove it, only invalidates the signature in the file:
using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(fiNew))
xlPackage.Workbook.VbaProject.Signature.Certificate = null;
Calling the dispose method doesn't work either, errors out on the save. Does anybody know how to do this in EPPlus?
Looking at the source just provide a certificate without a private key - see line 137.
internal void Save(ExcelVbaProject proj)
if (Certificate == null)
if (Certificate.HasPrivateKey==false) //No signature. Remove any Signature part
You could for example just use the first certificate in the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities
, which have no keys, as long as you are not running on a root certificate authority or somebody improted a PFX by accident... so we filter for that too:
Here is some code to read from the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities
using (var store = new X509Store(StoreName.Root, StoreLocation.CurrentUser)) {
var someCertWithoutPrivateKey =
.Where(c => !c.HasPrivateKey)