I have a while do loop in rails as
session['SPEAKERS'].map do |speaker|
name: [speaker['FIRST_NAME'], speaker['LAST_NAME']].join(' '),
job_title: speaker['TITLE'],
remote_file_url: speaker['PHOTO_URL'],
description: speaker['EXPERTISE']
component_id: component_id(:agenda_speakers),
weg_id: speaker['SPEAKER_ID']
p "Rescue reached"
p "Ensure reached"
For each execution of the loop, I try to create and save a speaker and sometimes there raises an exception in the active_record (due to non-availability of the image file or 403 forbidden exception etc).
I would want to catch that in my rescue block and process it further. However, the exception is caught and rescued elsewhere (within the active_record) which throws an exception in my console directly, and hence the code won't reach my 'rescue' block at all. However, my code reaches 'ensure' block.
How do I change my code to reach my 'rescue' block?
You're looking for find_or_create_by!
Lots of active record methods will fail simply by returning false (save, update, create etc..), but will throw an error when an exclamation mark gets added at the end