I want to move one element from a different DragDropContext
to another:
I have a: // sidebar.js
<DragDropContext onDragEnd={() => console.log('sidebar end drag')}>
<Droppable droppableId="sidebar">
{provided =>
{...other props}
I can be dragged
</DragDropContext >
// footerDroppable.js
<Droppable droppableId="footerDrop">
{provided =>
{...other props}
I'm a footer drag
</DragDropContext >
// the structure
<Sidebar> // first drag context
<other elements />
<FooterDroppable /> // second drag context
can I move the draggable elemtn from the footer to the sidebar / vice versa?
Sure I can just move the DragDropContext
on the parent of both components (which I know how to do) but ARE THERE OTHER WAY aside from having a one parent DragDropContext
P.S. the code above are not the exact structure/code but more like a prototype so you can visualize since I'm working on a bigger app.
As you stated, you can have a single DragDropContext
to handle d'n'd between multiple Droppable
And there's no other way to do it (right now) with react-beautiful-dnd