I'm using schema.org to create a RDF/XML file using RDFlib in Python, and am trying to nest elements into a PropertyValue element like so, but it's not working...
g.add((p, n.PropertyValue, (p, n.minValue, Literal(130.15))))
I'm trying to end up with this result...
<schema:maxValue rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double">308.0</schema:maxValue>
<schema:minValue rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double">130.15</schema:minValue>
How could I do this in RDFlib? Thanks in advance.
As per your data, a Blank Node, [ ], with a name, minValue & maxValue property:
[] a <https://schema.org/PropertyValue> ;
schema:name "Temperature" ;
schema:minValue "130.15"^^xsd:double ;
schema:maxValue "308.0"^^xsd:double ;
Better, use a URI for the PropertyValue thing:
a <https://schema.org/PropertyValue> ;
schema:name "Temperature" ;
schema:minValue "130.15"^^xsd:double ;
schema:maxValue "308.0"^^xsd:double ;
Use this RDFlib Python:
SDO = Namespace("https://schema.org/")
g.bind("schema", SDO)
pv = URIRef("http://example.org/propval/1")
g.add((pv, RDF.type, SDO.PropertyValue))
g.add((pv, SDO.name, Literal("Temperature")))
g.add((pv, SDO.minValue, Literal("130.15", datatype=XSD.double)))
g.add((pv, SDO.maxValue, Literal("308.0", datatype=XSD.double)))