I have used below package to get shop order from shopify.
Now I got all orders data of store and stored in my DB. Now I need orders after specific order number.
Suppose,In my db last order number was 123 then I get all orders after order number 123.
Sample Code :
$shopifyClient = new ShopifyClient([
'private_app' => false,
'api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY',
'access_token' => 'MERCHANT_TOKEN',
'shop' => 'merchant.myshopify.com',
'version' => '2019-04'
$orders = $shopifyClient->getOrders();
Now, I don't know how to pass argument inside that function and achieve my above requirement.
In the repository README, it says that you pass arguments as a first parameter, in a type of array.
So try this to get orders after a specific ID:
$orders = $shopifyClient->getOrders([
'since_id' => 123