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Swift DynamicFetchView fetchlimit

I've been working on a fetch request which seems to working fine using the answer here:

import CoreData
import SwiftUI

struct DynamicFetchView<T: NSManagedObject, Content: View>: View {
    let fetchRequest: FetchRequest<T>
    let content: (FetchedResults<T>) -> Content

    var body: some View {

    init(predicate: NSPredicate?, fetchLimit:Int = 5, sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor], @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (FetchedResults<T>) -> Content) {
        fetchRequest = FetchRequest<T>(entity: T.entity(), sortDescriptors: sortDescriptors, predicate: predicate, fetchLimit)
        self.content = content

    init(fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<T>, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (FetchedResults<T>) -> Content) {
        self.fetchRequest = FetchRequest<T>(fetchRequest: fetchRequest)
        self.content = content

In my view:

DynamicFetchView(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "Brand CONTAINS %@", "GAP"), sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \store.brandName, ascending: false)]) { (clothing: FetchedResults<Store>) in
    HStack {
        Text("Number of Gap products: \(clothing.count)")
        List {
            ForEach(clothing) { Store in
                Text("Clothing Name: \(Store.clothingName!)")

the DynamicFetchView works well to show everything in the fetch request, however I would like to limit it to 5. I tried adding fetchLimit=5 but that didn't seem to make any difference.


  • Here is a solution:

    struct DynamicFetchView<T: NSManagedObject, Content: View>: View {
        let fetchRequest: FetchRequest<T>
        let content: (FetchedResults<T>) -> Content
        var body: some View {
        init(predicate: NSPredicate?, fetchLimit:Int = 5, sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor], @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (FetchedResults<T>) -> Content) {
            guard let entityName = T.entity().name else { fatalError("Unknown entity") }
            let request = NSFetchRequest<T>(entityName: entityName)
            request.fetchLimit = fetchLimit
            request.sortDescriptors = sortDescriptors
            request.predicate = predicate
            self.init(fetchRequest: request, content: content)
        init(fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<T>, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (FetchedResults<T>) -> Content) {
            self.fetchRequest = FetchRequest<T>(fetchRequest: fetchRequest)
            self.content = content