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dynamic_cast fails when cast a base class to derived class

I have two classes, base class and a derived class. The base class has a virtual method.

Here is my test example:

class Base
    virtual void Hello() { cout << "-> Hello Base" << endl; }

class Derived: public Base
    void Hello() { cout << "-> Hello Derived" << endl; }

int main()
    Base *mBase = new Base;
    // something to do 

    Derived *mDerived = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(mBase);

    return 0;

I'm looking to use the Hello() method of the class derived after the cast of mBase to mDerived.

But the problem is that when I try to use dynamic_cast it will crash the application, if not if I use reinterpret_cast the Hello() method of the Base class will be called.

Result in the case dynamic_cast:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Result in the case dynamic_cast:

-> Hello Base


  • dynamic_cast fails when cast a base class to derived class

    This is what is supposed to happen. When you dynamic cast a pointer to an object whose dynamic type is not the casted type, then you get a null pointer as the result.

    In your example, you indirect through the null pointer and attempt to call a member function which results in undefined behaviour.

    When using dynamic cast, you must always check whether you got null or not.

    if I use reinterpret_cast...

    Then the behaviour will still be undefined because you'll be indirecting through a pointer to an object that does not exist. Unless you create an instance of the derived class, you cannot call its non static member function.

    You can convert a base instance into a derived one like this for example:

    Base b;
    Derived d = b;

    What happens is that the base sub object of the derived instance is copy initialised from b.