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How to bind on multiple Either<,>?

I have two functions that return Either<Error,?>, and the 2nd function depends on the first one.

Either<Error, bool> either1 = ReturnEither1(...);
Either<Error, int> either2 = either1.Bind(ReturnEither2);

Now, I have a 3rd function which depends on both either1 and either2 and its left type is also Error. How can I do something like below?

Either<Error, MyType> either3 = [either1, either2].BindAll(...);

So I want either3 to bind to the right of both either1 and either2.


  • You cannot have some BindAll easily because you will lose type safety (MyType vs. individual return types). I guess you could build something using Fold on the enumeration of functions if you really think you need something that way.

    For what you want I prefer LINQ syntax in C#:

    var result = from x1 in ReturnEither1()
                 from x2 in ReturnEither2(x1)
                 from x3 in ReturnEither3(x1, x2) // you can use any of the previous results
                 select x3;

    This will call SelectMany on the monadic type which is Bind (see documentation of LanguageExt). You get a right value if every function returns right -- otherwise, get the first left value (first error).

    Result will be of Either type like return value of ReturnEither3. All individual functions (ReturnEither*) need same left type, but can have different right type.