I have been trying to transfer files over TCP\IP on a windows client to Linux server. This has been a major issue for the passed few days due to a lack of understanding why the last packet is not received on the server side, which brakes the writing of the file.
What I want to achieve is downloading images(JPG,PNG), programs (EXE) and etc`..
//Send file size
send(sock, container, sizeof(container), 0);
//End of file size
unsigned __int64 uiPos = 0;
unsigned __int64 uiRemaining = ul.QuadPart;
while (uiRemaining > 0)
ul.QuadPart = uiPos;
ov.Offset = ul.LowPart;
ov.OffsetHigh = ul.HighPart;
DWORD dwNumToSend = (uiRemaining <= 3) ? 1 :1024; //(DWORD)uiRemaining;
if (!TransmitFile(sock,get_file, dwNumToSend, 0, &ov, NULL, 0))
if ((GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) && (WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING))
WaitForSingleObject(ov.hEvent, INFINITE);
uiPos += dwNumToSend;
uiRemaining -= dwNumToSend;
file_size = atoi(response);
printf("File size: %lli \n",file_size);
//End of file size
//First packet of file
len = recv(client_socket,response,sizeof(response)<file_size?(sizeof(response)):file_size,MSG_WAITALL);
printf("Received: %i \n",len);
if (len == 0)
printf("Error downloading file!");
goto jump;
file_size = file_size - len;
int counter = 0;
while(file_size > 0)
//Start getting the file
len = recv(client_socket,response,((file_size <= 1024) || (len < 1024))?file_size:sizeof(response),MSG_WAITALL);
printf("Received: %i\t|",len);
if(len <= 0)
//Check if this is the last packet
file_size = file_size - len;
printf("Response #%i\tbytes_received: %i\tbytes remain:%li \n",counter,len,file_size);
counter += 1;
if(file_size > 0)
printf("\t\t\tError downloading file! bytes left:%li \n",file_size);
printf("Successfully downloaded file! \n");
goto jump;
If more of the server side code is needed please comment.. I think that this will do though..
Thank You!!
Based on code you have showed, found some problems. After edited as below it works for me. You can have a try. (Please show ul.QuadPart
, ul.LowPart
and ul.HighPart
related code if you still have issues.)
At client side:
Change DWORD dwNumToSend = (uiRemaining <= 3) ? 1 :1024;
to DWORD dwNumToSend = (uiRemaining <= 1024) ? uiRemaining : 1024;
At server side:
Change ((file_size <= 1024) || (len < 1024))?file_size:sizeof(response)
to (file_size <= sizeof(response))?file_size:sizeof(response)