I would like to define the axios baseURL by trigger internal API call in http-common.js, but when I import the module from http-common.js it can not obtain axios object. I found that even the async function haven't run ... Is anyone have idea on that ? Thanks a lot.
In http-common.js file
export default async function getAPIEndPoint() {
var endpoint = await axios.get("http://localhost:8082/getAPIEndPoint");
BASE_API = endpoint.data;
var axoisInstance = axios.create({
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/json"
return axoisInstance;
In ProductService.js file
import http from "../http-common";
class ProductDataService {
getAll() {
return http.get("/getAllRegisteredProducts");
Because you're exporting an async
method you need to wait for it.
const axiosInstance = await http
return axiosInstance.get("/getAllRegisteredProducts");
Of course you need to call this from an async