I'm refactoring an old webforms application to use this saml library to handle authentication. I don't have any previous experience setting this sort of thing up so I am not familiar with the terminology.
After struggling for a bit modifying the example configuration elements so they would stop producing errors, my application now starts up like it used to seemingly uninfluenced by any of the new configuration.
I am under the impression that it should redirect to the signOnUrl configured in the sustainsys.saml2 identityProviders configuration, but I cannot see any evidence of that happening.
I realize its difficult to debug this without more context, but I'm hoping I am missing some really fundamental aspect that I'm completely oblivious to and someone can help me out.
For example I didn't see it anywhere in the documentation but I tried changing my authentication mode from "None" to "Forms" and then providing my signOnUrl as the loginUrl. That didn't help. (Also I find it strange that authentication mode was "None" for an application that sure as hell did require you to log in, so maybe that's a clue to someone more knowledgeable about this than I am.
Thanks for your time.
Since you are mentioning authentication mode etc. I assume that you are using the Sustainsys.Saml2.HttModule package.
In that case, navigate to /Saml2/SignIn
to initiate the sign in process.