I am trying to write a code that uses 2 recursive functions; 'I' and 'U' and one non-recursive function 'f'. What I am tring to achive is to run the recursive function I "steps1" many times and then stop at this level to then run the recursive funtion U "steps2" many times. After that, finally run the non-recursive function f at the level where function U's iteration ends.
For example:
Let steps1=1 and steps2=1 then,
I will iterate function 'I', 1-time(steps1) and get:
I(n)= 3*I(n/2)+7*n-3
then, I will iterate funtion U, 1-time(steps2) for n/2 value. And then, insert it instead of I(n/2), thus I will calculate:
I(n)= 3*[U(n/2)]+7*n-3= 3*[2*U(n/6)+2*(n/2)-9] = 3*2*U(n/6)+3*2*(n/2)-3*9
now insert last function f(n/6), into this equation:
since f is non-recursive, this will give me the result.
When I run my code I get, "unhandeled exception" error. Can someone help me find the reason for this error? Is my code wrong at somewhere? Can someone help me fix this please? I am not sure if my code does exactly what I want to do, as well?
using namespace std;
int f(int n)
return (n-1)*(n-1);
/* step2 many iteration of the function U and then function f */
int U(int n , int steps2, int counter2=0)
return f(n);
return 2*U(n/3, steps2, counter2+1)+2*n-9;
/* step1 many iteration of the function I and then function U*/
int I(int n , int steps1,int steps2, int counter1=0, int counter2=0)
return U(n,steps2,counter2);
return 3*I(n/2, steps1, counter1+1)+7*n-3;
int main(){
int n, steps1,steps2;
cout<< " Enter 'n' value which is divisable by both 2 and 3"<<"\n";
cout<< " Enter iteration count for I"<<"\n";
cout<< " Enter iteration count for U"<<"\n";
cout<< " result:" << I(n,steps1,steps2)<<"\n";
return 0;
I compiled and ran your program and it looks like you're getting a stack overflow. The recursion for function I
isn't correct. Namely your base case will never be reached. In each location that I
is called you only pass 3 parameters, thus counter1
is always going to have a value of 0, the default value. Also, I
is always called such that steps1
is always going to have the same value (from the user's input). So if(counter1==steps1){
will never be true.
Some advice for future problems, when troubleshooting a problem like this, one of the easiest things you can do is to add a cout
to the beginning of each function. Print the function name and the parameter values. Another option is to hook up a debugger and set some break points. Learning how to use a debugger with C++ will come in very, very handy.