So, I'm trying to write a roman numerals converter. Never used unittest tests before, but here's what I have so far. I'm just trying to test the value of "DLXII" to be 562. It runs just find in the main program. But, every time I try to do a test with (python -m unittest test_roman_numerals), it just runs the program and I have to input "DLXII" for the test, unless that's how the test works. I was trying make the test function automatically do that for me. Thanks.
class RomanNumeral:
"""A class to represent our roman numerals or integers."""
def __init__(self, number):
"""Initializes the user's input, a counter, and standard values for each roman numeral."""
self.number = number
self.int_num = 0 # counter
self.rom_dict = {'I':1, 'V':5, 'X':10, 'L':50, 'C':100, 'D':500, 'M':1000}
def roman_to_int(self): # Probably better to use a linked list here.
"""Takes in user_input in roman numerals and return the equivalent integer."""
rom_values = list(self.rom_dict.items())
for i in range(len(self.number) - 1):
for j in range(len(rom_values)):
if self.number[i] == rom_values[j][0]:
self.int_num += rom_values[j][1]
for k in range(j+1, len(rom_values)):
if self.number[i+1] == rom_values[k][0]:
self.int_num -= 2*rom_values[j][1]
for l in range(len(rom_values)):
if self.number[-1] == rom_values[l][0]:
self.int_num += rom_values[l][1]
return self.int_num
def isroman(self):
"""Checks if user input is a roman numeral."""
for i in self.number:
if i not in self.rom_dict.keys():
return False
return True
def roman_or_int(self):
"""Checks if user input is a roman numeral, integer, or not."""
if self.IXC_triple_rules() is True:
return False
elif self.isroman():
elif self.number.isdigit():
print("Entry is neither roman numerals or integers.")
def IXC_triple_rules(self):
"""Tag if user input has more than 3 I, X, or C."""
if "IIII" in self.number or "XXXX" in self.number or "CCCC" in self.number:
print("You cannot have more than three I, X, or Cs in a row")
return True
def non_subtractive_numberals(self):
"""Tag for V, L, and D. Can never be subtracted."""
user_input = input("Enter a number in roman numerals: ")
x = RomanNumeral(user_input)
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch
from roman_numerals import RomanNumeral
class TestRomanNumerals(unittest.TestCase): #sublcass of test case class
"""A test class for our Roman numerals."""
@patch('builtins.input', return_value="DLXII")
def test_roman_to_int(self, mock_input):
result = RomanNumeral("DLXII").roman_to_int()
self.assertEqual(result, 562)
You need to put your top-level code under a __main__
block, or it'll get executed every time you import the file (including in your test):
if __name__ == '__main__':
user_input = input("Enter a number in roman numerals: ")
x = RomanNumeral(user_input)