Here i am working wit CI/CD Using Gitlab CI.
When i added this command
npm run build:dev --progress false --output-hashing=all --deploy-url
The --deploy-url is changing the path of all the assets that is fine
How can i add these asset folder or dist folder to go bucket via ci/cd using the credential of go bucket.
Here the commands which i am using to deploy project on my server
rm package-lock.json
npm install
npm install @angular/cli
npm run build:dev --progress false --output-hashing=all --deploy-url
printf "\n"
printf "###############################################################################\n"
printf "# Remove current dist folder and Move files from temp-dist to dist #\n"
printf "###############################################################################\n"
rm -rf dist/*
mv temp-dist/* dist/
You can use the gulp
for this
Please the answer no 2 given in the following question
How to upload image to digital Ocean Spaces using AWS SDK for Yii2?