In a treestructure i want to lookup a value in the parent record to see if it has a value in a field called nodOpen (Can be 0 for closed and 1 for Open). If the Parent-records field nodOpen is 1 then current record is visible and vice versa.
strSQL = "SELECT nodLevel, nodNum, nodLead, etc., nodParent FROM tblNode WHERE PARENTNODE IS OPEN Visible= 1 ORDER BY nodSort"
Is that possible in one SQL-sentence?
Let's assume that the table has the following structure.
create table tblNode (
nodNum int not null,
nodLevel int,
nodOpen int not null,
nodSort int not null,
nodLead int not null,
nodParent int null,
-- insert other columns here(?)
constraint PK_tblNode primary key clustered (nodNum),
constraint FK_tblNode_tree foreign key (nodParent)
references tblNode(nodNum)
The query would look something like this.
nodSort -- you may have to include this column to sort on it later
/* insert other columns here(?) */
from tblNode as childNode
inner join tblNode as parentNode on parentNode.nodNum = childNode.nodParent
where parentNode.nodOpen = 1
order by nodSort