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Fasm x64 MsgBox

I want to compile x64 app with simple MsgBox using Fasm. I've wrote the code, it compiles successfully, but when I run it nothing is shown and the program just ends. What's wrong?

format PE64 GUI 4.0
entry main

include ''

  invoke MessageBox,NULL,'Hello, World!','Fasm message box:',MB_OK
  invoke ExitProcess,0

library kernel32,'kernel32.dll',\

include 'api/'
include 'api/'

If try to debug in VS2017 I get an exception:

Вызвано исключение по адресу 0x0000000000001108 в program.exe: 0xC0000005: нарушение прав доступа при исполнении по адресу 0x0000000000001108.

If translate:

Exception at address 0x0000000000001108 in program.exe: 0xC0000005: access violation when executing address 0x0000000000001108.


  • I'm marking this as community wiki so others can fill in a description of why this works. Of note is:

    • .idata section for imports
    • .text section that is executable
    • sub rsp, 8 (or equivalent like push rbp) for stack alignment per the Windows x86-64 calling convention.

    The code:

    include ''
    format PE64 GUI 4.0
    entry main
    section '.text' code readable executable
      sub rsp, 8
      invoke MessageBox,NULL,'Hello, World!','Fasm message box:',MB_OK
      invoke ExitProcess,0
    ;section '.data' data readable writeable
    ; Data here
    section '.idata' import data readable
    library kernel32,'kernel32.dll',\
    include 'api/'
    include 'api/'