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Gazebo stuck at loading your world I am trying to set up ROS and Gazebo in a VM running Ubuntu. The goal is that I want to simulate Turtlebot with the open manipulator.

I installed everything without any issues. Though I am not able to launch the Turtlebot environment on Gazebo (like here:

$roslaunch turtlebot3_fake turtlebot3_fake.launch results in Gazebo staying forever in the state loading your world. After some time, it stops responding. Launching the empty world however works.

I am using ROS 1 with Gazebo 7.0

My hardware setup: MacBook Pro 13" 2019 with 16 GB RAM Parallels VM: 3D virtual. ON, no performance limit, 4 CPU kernels, 12 GB RAM enabled

Thank you so much for your help.


  • After every change you made source your bash and make sure to run :

              catkin make 

    if you've done this already then check if ros is installed properly by running


    on one terminal and let it stay running. After that try to launch your turtlebot on another terminal. If it doesnt work even you have installed all of the needed things, i think the problem is with your VM, id recommend you to run ROS on Ubuntu running USB Stick.