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How to manage panels docking in Notepad++

I am using Notepad++ recently I installed the Explorer plugin

But I can only find how to dock it on the left/right in tab with the other panels what I want is to dock it above the other panel so I can see the content of both at the same time

To clarify this is what I have: enter image description here

But this is what I want: notice the difference in panel placement on the left enter image description here

I know that i can put it on top/buttom/right of text area but that is not what I want


  • Not exactly the solution you are looking for, but I need the same thing, and this works for me.

    Use any window you can dock there that you don't use (I use menu View->Document structure) and dock it to the location where you want your multi docked windows to be and resize it accordingly, then in undocked state, resize the panels and hover them above the panel that you placed there as placeholder.

    Its not perfect, because you lose space due to the titlebar and if you move NP++ this undocked window will not move, but it is a workaround that in most cases will be useful enough.

    For me, its NppFTP with Function List. Given that NppFTP also has an output window on the bottom, I have the docked window on the right side, so that I can actually overlap the non-used space of nppFTP's output window too! Win-win.

    enter image description here