I'm starting to use Avro / Confluent's Schema Registry and .avsc files and want to add a new field that is required in the schema.
The old schema is like this for example:
"name": ...
"fields": [
{"name": "one", "type": "string"}
I wanto to change it to:
"one": string,
"two": string,
How do I go about making the two
field required / non-nullable when trying to evolve a schema ? Because I have to add a default
value to it it will always be able to be one or the other.
It is worth pointing out that I'm using Confluent's Schema Registry and trying to Evolve a Schema!
I think I just solved my own question. For future reference:
It is not possible to set an absolutely required field when using Compatibility: BACKWARDS obviously it would break the rest of the schema.
So the answer to this I guess would be setting it to NONE (in my case).
Any other answers with insights would be helpful, but I'm going with this solution by now!