I have Dims I am referencing to Append a String, however my requirement requests that I split up one of my previous Dims I am appending. Please see the example below to show you what i am trying to get at. Basically i need a way for my newest Dim added to go smack dab in the middle of an existing Dim that's already been appended. **Note: Dim a can be dynamic so I don't know the number of characters it will return.
I am using the StringBuilder functionality in VB.
Dim sb = New StringBuilder()
Dim a = someValueForA
Dim b = someValueForB
Dim c = someValueForC
Dim d = someValueForD
result = "someValueAsomeValueBsomeValueC"
now i need to insert d right in the middle of "C" so as to look something like this:
result = "someValueAsomeValueBsomesomeValueDValueC"
You need to calculate the position and then use sb.Insert
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim sb = New StringBuilder()
Dim a = "someValueA"
Dim b = "someValueB"
Dim c = "someValueC"
Dim d = "someValueD"
sb.AppendFormat("-{0}", a)
sb.AppendFormat("-{0}", b)
sb.AppendFormat("-{0}", c)
sb.Insert(sb.Length - (c.Length \ 2), d)
End Sub