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Mapbox in Android - Black color around GEOTiff raster layers


I need to add some aeronautical layers taken from FAA to the map. The layers are provided as GeoTIFF files.


  1. Downloaded a GeoTiff file from FAA website.
  2. Using QGis app clipped the legend from the file. Actually the issue occurs without this step as well.
  3. Reprojected it to EPSG:3857 using GDAL command gdalwarp -q -t_srs EPSG:3857 -dstalpha -of vrt Albuquerque\ SEC\ 104-cut.tif /vsistdout/ | gdal_translate -co compress=lzw /vsistdin/ Albuquerque\ SEC\ 104-north-up-cut.tif. Otherwise I got Error creating Mapnik Datasource: Invalid raster: Invalid rotation value in geotransform array when uploading to Mapbox.
  4. Created a Tileset by uploading GeoTIFFs to Mapbox.
  5. Created a new style in the Mapbox Studio.
  6. Added the tilesets as layers.

Mapbox Studio Result

The map is showing well in Mapbox Studio:


Android Result

However in Android app this style shows with some black borders of random width depending on zoom level and camera position. Here is how it looks in android:

Android Android Screenshot

I tried it on Pixel 3a (Android 10), Nexus 5x (Android 8.1) and Android emulator (Android 10). I have good internet connection and gave it enough time so the tiles are loaded.

The source code where the map is embedded is official Demo app. I just replaced token and style URL:

mapView.getMapAsync(new OnMapReadyCallback() {
  public void onMapReady(@NonNull MapboxMap mapboxMap) {
    DefaultStyleActivity.this.mapboxMap = mapboxMap;

Here is GDALInfo for the GEOTiff I uploaded:

Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: /Users/me/Desktop/Dev/Albuquerque SEC 104-north-up-cut.tif
Size is 16104, 11408
Coordinate System is:
PROJCS["WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator",
    GEOGCS["WGS 84",
            SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
    EXTENSION["PROJ4","+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"],
Origin = (-12154316.342745549976826,4340308.343459489755332)
Pixel Size = (51.194510520863538,-51.194510520863538)
  TIFFTAG_DATETIME=2019:09:03 09:02:22
  TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE=Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (-12154316.343, 4340308.343) (109d11' 2.69"W, 36d17'16.43"N)
Lower Left  (-12154316.343, 3756281.367) (109d11' 2.69"W, 31d56'47.16"N)
Upper Right (-11329879.945, 4340308.343) (101d46'40.96"W, 36d17'16.43"N)
Lower Right (-11329879.945, 3756281.367) (101d46'40.96"W, 31d56'47.16"N)
Center      (-11742098.144, 4048294.855) (105d28'51.82"W, 34d 8'42.17"N)
Band 1 Block=16104x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Palette
  Color Table (RGB with 256 entries)
    0: 255,255,255,255
    1: 255,255,0,255
    2: 255,0,255,255
    3: 255,0,0,255
    4: 0,255,255,255
    5: 0,255,0,255
    6: 0,0,255,255
    7: 0,0,0,255
    8: 252,252,254,255
    9: 255,255,1,255
   10: 252,236,170,255
   11: 248,228,166,255
   12: 228,200,154,255
   13: 154,81,86,255
   14: 120,103,105,255
   15: 221,135,154,255
   16: 166,87,106,255
   17: 107,86,91,255
   18: 172,104,124,255
   19: 79,9,35,255
   20: 141,59,88,255
   21: 126,12,61,255
   22: 229,107,161,255
   23: 200,150,173,255
   24: 234,178,204,255
   25: 100,8,53,255
   26: 200,81,137,255
   27: 146,68,105,255
   28: 136,38,88,255
   29: 98,29,64,255
   30: 190,113,151,255
   31: 119,44,83,255
   32: 214,182,199,255
   33: 177,144,163,255
   34: 116,13,75,255
   35: 33,8,25,255
   36: 143,116,141,255
   37: 232,216,232,255
   38: 248,232,248,255
   39: 77,26,86,255
   40: 75,69,104,255
   41: 105,103,125,255
   42: 40,36,105,255
   43: 8,8,24,255
   44: 232,232,248,255
   45: 120,120,122,255
   46: 8,14,85,255
   47: 203,204,216,255
   48: 60,62,80,255
   49: 8,22,115,255
   50: 86,88,104,255
   51: 180,184,201,255
   52: 8,54,179,255
   53: 8,40,120,255
   54: 28,56,120,255
   55: 8,40,104,255
   56: 143,152,171,255
   57: 8,54,136,255
   58: 37,47,65,255
   59: 184,201,232,255
   60: 25,72,152,255
   61: 202,214,233,255
   62: 31,56,95,255
   63: 8,84,182,255
   64: 8,72,158,255
   65: 8,56,120,255
   66: 9,42,86,255
   67: 25,72,136,255
   68: 37,88,152,255
   69: 51,75,104,255
   70: 11,100,202,255
   71: 8,23,40,255
   72: 27,72,120,255
   73: 8,56,104,255
   74: 44,88,133,255
   75: 184,198,212,255
   76: 80,84,88,255
   77: 8,72,133,255
   78: 22,104,178,255
   79: 71,121,168,255
   80: 91,134,173,255
   81: 43,121,184,255
   82: 80,113,140,255
   83: 8,88,152,255
   84: 24,88,136,255
   85: 53,104,143,255
   86: 8,88,136,255
   87: 22,104,149,255
   88: 114,144,162,255
   89: 139,172,191,255
   90: 104,124,134,255
   91: 146,205,232,255
   92: 136,197,216,255
   93: 134,184,201,255
   94: 153,200,216,255
   95: 135,216,232,255
   96: 85,105,109,255
   97: 213,233,236,255
   98: 152,195,200,255
   99: 167,216,221,255
  100: 181,232,237,255
  101: 151,233,237,255
  102: 8,24,24,255
  103: 230,248,248,255
  104: 182,183,183,255
  105: 184,217,216,255
  106: 120,136,134,255
  107: 24,40,37,255
  108: 174,207,200,255
  109: 143,147,145,255
  110: 225,248,232,255
  111: 103,120,104,255
  112: 8,24,8,255
  113: 87,104,86,255
  114: 212,232,210,255
  115: 181,200,175,255
  116: 163,171,158,255
  117: 229,248,216,255
  118: 198,216,184,255
  119: 147,172,126,255
  120: 231,248,200,255
  121: 200,216,168,255
  122: 216,232,178,255
  123: 200,216,151,255
  124: 232,248,184,255
  125: 212,232,146,255
  126: 232,248,167,255
  127: 189,207,105,255
  128: 199,200,152,255
  129: 248,248,71,255
  130: 24,24,8,255
  131: 145,144,57,255
  132: 248,248,104,255
  133: 216,216,135,255
  134: 248,248,168,255
  135: 200,200,136,255
  136: 216,216,152,255
  137: 232,232,168,255
  138: 248,248,184,255
  139: 216,216,168,255
  140: 232,232,184,255
  141: 248,248,200,255
  142: 200,200,168,255
  143: 120,120,101,255
  144: 232,232,200,255
  145: 248,248,216,255
  146: 216,216,193,255
  147: 200,200,184,255
  148: 232,232,216,255
  149: 248,248,232,255
  150: 170,168,56,255
  151: 201,194,72,255
  152: 179,174,78,255
  153: 229,223,101,255
  154: 214,205,88,255
  155: 196,189,104,255
  156: 232,218,133,255
  157: 246,233,151,255
  158: 42,40,29,255
  159: 148,136,82,255
  160: 200,184,120,255
  161: 216,200,136,255
  162: 232,216,152,255
  163: 248,232,168,255
  164: 165,152,104,255
  165: 114,106,76,255
  166: 182,173,141,255
  167: 248,216,115,255
  168: 183,168,119,255
  169: 147,139,114,255
  170: 200,168,72,255
  171: 216,184,88,255
  172: 200,184,136,255
  173: 216,200,152,255
  174: 232,216,168,255
  175: 248,232,184,255
  176: 228,184,72,255
  177: 200,168,88,255
  178: 216,184,104,255
  179: 81,74,58,255
  180: 248,188,71,255
  181: 232,185,88,255
  182: 248,199,101,255
  183: 200,168,104,255
  184: 216,184,120,255
  185: 232,200,136,255
  186: 248,216,152,255
  187: 168,152,120,255
  188: 200,184,152,255
  189: 216,200,168,255
  190: 232,216,184,255
  191: 219,167,72,255
  192: 178,144,82,255
  193: 248,231,200,255
  194: 184,136,56,255
  195: 216,168,88,255
  196: 232,185,104,255
  197: 248,200,123,255
  198: 220,150,49,255
  199: 130,93,40,255
  200: 200,152,84,255
  201: 184,152,104,255
  202: 200,168,120,255
  203: 216,184,136,255
  204: 232,200,152,255
  205: 248,216,168,255
  206: 179,119,36,255
  207: 160,114,54,255
  208: 216,168,104,255
  209: 232,184,120,255
  210: 200,137,56,255
  211: 232,168,88,255
  212: 61,53,43,255
  213: 146,115,80,255
  214: 216,168,120,255
  215: 248,200,152,255
  216: 168,136,104,255
  217: 184,152,120,255
  218: 200,168,136,255
  219: 216,184,152,255
  220: 232,200,168,255
  221: 248,216,184,255
  222: 216,200,184,255
  223: 248,232,216,255
  224: 110,87,68,255
  225: 248,184,135,255
  226: 170,151,137,255
  227: 184,136,104,255
  228: 200,152,120,255
  229: 216,168,136,255
  230: 232,184,150,255
  231: 248,200,168,255
  232: 171,114,77,255
  233: 168,136,120,255
  234: 232,200,184,255
  235: 200,183,174,255
  236: 232,164,134,255
  237: 200,168,154,255
  238: 248,167,139,255
  239: 171,119,104,255
  240: 216,168,154,255
  241: 184,133,121,255
  242: 140,117,111,255
  243: 232,213,208,255
  244: 201,148,137,255
  245: 235,181,172,255
  246: 216,138,126,255
  247: 41,24,23,255
  248: 24,8,8,255
  249: 248,232,232,255
  250: 201,200,200,255
  251: 248,248,248,255
  252: 232,232,232,255
  253: 104,104,104,255
  254: 24,24,24,255
  255: 8,8,8,255
Band 2 Block=16104x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Alpha


How can I get rid of those black issues?

I'd be happy to provide more info if needed.

Update 2020-05-06

I tried what's suggested in troubleshooting page: both prepare tileset and create RasterSource within Android app. The first command rio calc "(asarray (take a 1) (take a 2) (take a 3))" --co compress=lzw --co tiled=true --co blockxsize=256 --co blockysize=256 --name a=filename.tif filename255.tif failed with an error:

IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for size 1

However my tif already uses LZW compression. So I tried the second command:

rio edit-info --nodata 0 filename255.tif

and uploaded the result to Mapbox. The result was the same except that white background of the image became black as well: No-data not working. Big

I also tried the same steps with smaller image (409x306) as it's pointed here that Android has texture size limitation. The result is all the same: Small image


  • The black borders should be transparent, but the raster image format Mapbox is using (JPG) does not support transparency, which is a known issue that exists in every gl-native-based SDK. This issue presents itself when you reference a style that has the raster layer built in.

    As a workaround, you can follow Mapbox's troubleshooting guide on troubleshooting raster images with black backgrounds to make your tileset transparent and then add the tileset as a RasterSource within your Android application to display the raster tile as expected.

    Please take a look at the following example as a reference for adding a RasterSource:

    Instead of calling the rasterSource using "mapbox://username.tilesetID", you need to call it similarly to the Add a WMS Source example. The code below will resolve your issue:

    style.addSource(RasterSource( "albuquerque-source", TileSet( "tileset", "<username.tilesetID>/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=<your_access_token>" ), 256 ))