I'm writing a c# plugin that creates a ContentControl and maps it to an XML file.
When the XML have a node with something like "7, SOMESTREET" i get inside the ContentControl the text ",7SOMESTREET" ...
I live in Israel so my guess is that it must has something to do with locale.
I've tried everything i could think of (changing the XML encoding, changing the default formatting of the ContentControl, etc') - but still no luck.
Does anyone can think of something that may cause this?
Found this:
If you have more than one keyboard (input locale) installed on your system, when you start a blank document--regardless of the template in use--Word will automatically apply direct formatting on the text matching the currently active input locale, thereby overriding the default setting in the Language dialog box.
Here: http://word.tips.net/Pages/T001678_Changing_to_UK_English.html
Thats probably that..