I wish to pass params
and headers
to aiohttp.ClientSession
as shown here.
This is what I have tried:
async def make_request(self, url, headers, params):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers, params=params) as session:
async with self.limit, session.get(url=url) as response:
await asyncio.sleep(self.rate)
resp = await response.read()
return resp
async def process(url, url_id, update_id, rate, limit):
limit = asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(limit)
f = Fetch(
if "coinmarketcap" in url:
params = {
'start': '1',
'limit': '1',
'convert': 'USD,BTC'
headers = {
'Accepts': 'application/json',
params = {}
headers = {}
result = await f.make_request(url, headers, params)
But I am getting the error:
Unexpected Argument at:
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers, params=params) as session
I wish to set headers if let's say the url was coinmarketcap and no params/headers
How to fix it?
The params attribute can't be passed to the session. You'll need to send it in the get call, like so:
async def make_request(self, url, headers, params):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=header) as session:
async with self.limit, session.get(url=url, params=params) as response:
await asyncio.sleep(self.rate)
resp = await response.read()
return resp
You can send the headers in the client session initialisation or in the get call. I think either will work.