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Flex MultiCore PureMVC Notifier initialization error

I am trying to write a simple multicore PureMVC helloword. I am getting Error: multitonKey for this Notifier not yet initialized!

at facade()[C:\Documents and Settings\Owner.CapricornOne\My Documents\My Workspaces\PureMVC\PureMVC_AS3_MultiCore\src\org\puremvc\as3\multicore\patterns\observer\] at com.jacksutest.view::ApplicationMediator()[C:\myworkspace\MyPureMVC\src\com\jacksutest\view\]

Here is the main mxml:

public static const APP_NAME : String = "MyPureMVC";
private var facade : ApplicationFacade = ApplicationFacade.getInstance(APP_NAME);
public function init() : void 

<components:WordForm id="theWordForm"/>

This is the ApplicationFacade. public class ApplicationFacade extends Facade implements IFacade { public static const STARTUP : String = "Startup"; public static const VERIFY_WORD : String = "VerifyWord";

    public function ApplicationFacade(key:String)

    public static function removeInstance(key:String):void
        if( null != instanceMap ) 
            if( null != instanceMap[key] )
                delete instanceMap[key];

     * Singleton ApplicationFacade Factory Method
    public static function getInstance(key:String):ApplicationFacade
        if ( null == instanceMap[key] )
            instanceMap[key] = new ApplicationFacade(key);
        return instanceMap[key] as ApplicationFacade;

     * Register Commands with the Controller
    override protected function initializeController():void
        registerCommand(STARTUP,     StartupCommand);
        registerCommand(VERIFY_WORD, VerifyWordCommand);

    public function startup(app : MyPureMVC):void
        trace("In facade startup");
        sendNotification(STARTUP, app);

    public function verifyWord(wordDTO : WordDTO) : void
        sendNotification(VERIFY_WORD, wordDTO);


This is startup command

public class StartupCommand extends MacroCommand
    public function StartupCommand()
    trace("Startup command created");

This is ViewPrepCommand

public class ViewPrepCommand extends SimpleCommand
    override public function execute( note : INotification ) : void 
        var app : MyPureMVC = note.getBody() as MyPureMVC;

        facade.registerMediator(new ApplicationMediator(app));

And this is ApplicationMediator:

public class ApplicationMediator extends Mediator implements IMediator
    public static const NAME : String = "MyPureMVCApplicationMediator";
    public function ApplicationMediator(mainApp : MyPureMVC)

        facade.registerMediator(new WordFormMediator(mainApp.theWordForm));

Error happens when facade.registerMediator.


  • Find the problem. I should not reference facade in the constructor of ApplicationMediator.

    Instead, I should call the facade.registerMediator in onRegister method.

        public static const NAME : String = "MyPureMVCApplicationMediator";
        public function ApplicationMediator(viewComponent : MyPureMVC)
            super( NAME, viewComponent );
        override public function onRegister():void
            // Retrieve reference to frequently consulted Proxies
            facade.registerMediator(new WordFormMediator(mainApp.theWordForm));
        public function get mainApp() : MyPureMVC
            return viewComponent as MyPureMVC;