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Problem with "when and otherwise" condition

I will let the code do the explanation.

Dataweave gives errors:

Unable to resolve reference of when

Unable to resolve reference of otherwise

Input Message: An array of objects. Though I have given only 1 object here.

    "Field1" : 12345,
    "field2" : 10
%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload map {
"test" : $.Field1 when $.field2 >= 1 otherwise ""


  • Nadeem there is no <expression> when <condition> otherwise <expression> in DW 2.0. Use if (condition) <then_expression> else <else_expression> instead.

    So your code will be as follows:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
    var data = [{
        "Field1" : 12345,
        "field2" : 10
    data map {
        test : if  ($.field2 >= 1) $.Field1 else ""