When readframes()
is used in python, the online documention says sampling frequency is returned it looks it returns 2 bytes. I think there are 4 byte on each frame:
left = 2 bytes
right = 2 bytes
Do I have to check if it is mono or stereo and if it is stereo, read 2 frames at a time and if it is mono, read 1 frame at a time?
A wave file has:
per second (e.g 44100 if from an audio CD).Wave_read.getsampwidth()
bytes (i.e 1 for 8-bit samples, 2 for 16-bit samples)Wave_read.getnchannels()
channels (typically 1 for mono, 2 for stereo)Every time you do a Wave_read.getframes(N)
, you get N * sample_width * n_channels
So, if you read 2048 frames from a 44100Hz, 16-bit stereo file, you get 8192 bytes as a result.