Search code examples

One network handler class for multiple ViewControllers

I have an app which has 5 different view controllers, accessible by a UITabBar.

Each of these ViewControllers will access API Data through 5 different URLs taken from the same API source.

How can I re-use the below API request code so I do not have to re-type this block 5 times in my code? The below code is my current set-up and the delegate is the first view controller.

protocol ClubFixturesManagerDelegate {

    func didUpdateTable (club: [ClubData])
    func didFailWithError(error: Error) 

struct MyClubFixturesManager{

    let getclubListURL = "someURL"
    var delegate: ClubFixturesManagerDelegate?

    func getClubID(clubID: String){

        let getClubResultsURL = "someURL"
        performRequest(with: getClubResultsURL)


    func performRequest(with urlString: String){

        if let url = URL(string: urlString){

            var request = URLRequest(url: url)
            request.httpMethod = "GET"
            request.setValue("APIToken", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")

            //create URL session
            let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data: Data?, response: URLResponse?, error: Error?) in

                if error != nil{
                    self.delegate?.didFailWithError(error: error!)

                if let safeData = data {

                    if let clubResults = self.parseJSON(safeData){

                        self.delegate?.didUpdateTable(club: clubResults)







    func parseJSON(_ teamData: Data) -> [ClubData]?{

        let decoder = JSONDecoder()


            var clubInfo: [ClubData] = []
            let decodedData = try decoder.decode(ClubSeasonData.self, from: teamData)
            for entry in decodedData.matches{

                let updatedDate = ISO8601Converter.converter(for: entry.utcDate)

                let clubInstance = ClubData(utcDate: updatedDate, homeTeam:, awayTeam:, homeTeamScore: entry.score.fullTime.homeTeam ?? nil, awayTeamScore: entry.score.fullTime.awayTeam ?? nil)


            return clubInfo





            return nil




  • You can simply create a new instance of your api manager in your viewDidLoad and then assign the delegate and perform the request. Something like this:

    var apiManager: MyClubFixturesManager?
    func viewDidLoad() {
      apiManager = MyClubFixturesManager()
      apiManager.delegate = self // Assuming self conforms to ClubFixturesManagerDelegate protocol
      apiManager?.performRequest(with: "yourUrl")

    As a side note I would make the delegate weak to avoid retain cycles and memory leak. You just need to do something like this:

    weak var delegate: ClubFixturesManagerDelegate?

    And to do so you would need to make the protocol class bound:

    protocol ClubFixturesManagerDelegate: class {
        func didUpdateTable (club: [ClubData])
        func didFailWithError(error: Error) 