In a Symfony 5.x project I use knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle.
Having private data-folders for different users results in generating PDF-documents that require images from folders which are not publicly accessable.
When trying to generate a PDF-document with an image in such a folder knpsnappy runs into a 60 sec timeout. The Symfony log says
Guard authenticator does not support the request.
I assume something regarding the "external" tool knpsnappy calling from outside the application but from the same server but does not triggering any security definition I defined. I am unsure on how to allow knpsnappy to access a specific route. Maybe someone can lead me into the right direction...?
I was misslead. The cause of the problem wasn't access rights but the way the img-pathes were defined. knp snappy wont be able to render images with URL-routes. I switched the pathes to be absolut server pathes and now it works. Found the solution here: KnpSnappyBundle and Symfony 3.4 : images and/or css cause timeout