I have a schema that looks like this:
var Counter = new Schema ({
_id: ObjectId,
date: Date,
counter: Number
On the request, I send date of a day and expect the date to be added and the counter to increase. Now when I add, a counter gets incremented ie 1,2,3 etc and a date gets added.
Now here is a problem: I want a counter to reset to 0 when a different date is given,(such to say on every new day, the counter should start at 0) and then start a counter increment again etc...
This is my code on how I have tried:
"date: thedate",
$inc: {
"counter: counter+1"
How do I achieve this ?
Take this example of two documents
"_id": ObjectId("1111"),
"date": "2020-04-13",
"counter": 0,
"_id": ObjectId("2222"),
"date": "2020-04-29",
"counter": 0,
My collection has more than one document. I want to update the document based on its id. For this case i want to update the 1st document of id 1111
Now if give an input date, say 2020-04-13 and id of '1111' which matches the first document, it should increment the couter to 1. If I give an the same date again (with same id of 111) it should increment the counter to 2.
If again I give an input date of 2020-04-14(which is another date) on the same first document of id 1111 it should reset the counter to 0.
Now How do I achieve this?
As you can execute update-with-an-aggregation-pipeline in .update()
operations starting MongoDB version >= 4.2
, try below querie :
{ _id: ObjectId("............") }, // filter query - Input of type ObjectId()
/** Update date field with input & re-create 'counter' field based on condition */
$addFields: {
date: inputDate, // Input type of date, In general Date is saved in MongoDB as ISODate("2020-05-06T00:00:00.000Z")
counter: { $cond: [ { $eq: [ "$date", inputDate ] }, { $add: [ "$counter", 1 ] }, 0 ] }
Test : Test aggregation pipeline here : mongoplayground