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How does the Prelude allow numeric literals for Nat?

In Type-Driven Development with Idris ch. 4, they say

The Prelude also defines functions and notation to allow Nat to be used like any other numeric type, so rather than writing S (S (S (S Z))), you can simply write 4.

and similarly for Fin. How does it achieve that? I've looked at the source but I can't figure it out.


  • from where you linked notice fromIntegerNat:

    ||| Convert an Integer to a Nat, mapping negative numbers to 0
    fromIntegerNat : Integer -> Nat
    fromIntegerNat 0 = Z
    fromIntegerNat n =
      if (n > 0) then
        S (fromIntegerNat (assert_smaller n (n - 1)))

    and fromInteger in the Num implementation of Nat:

    Num Nat where
      (+) = plus
      (*) = mult
      fromInteger = fromIntegerNat

    and Cast Integer Nat

    ||| Casts negative `Integers` to 0.
    Cast Integer Nat where
      cast = fromInteger

    In the case of Idris1 it will attempt to cast from a literal (such as Char, String or Integer) into whatever type is required via those "fromFunctions" (as noted in a comment in one of the above sources: [...] '-5' desugars to 'negate (fromInteger 5)') and in general Idris1 supports implicit casting for any two types. ( )

    In the case of Idris2, there are some pragmas (%charLit fromChar, %stringLit fromString, %integerLit fromInteger) to hint the compiler to use some cast function from a literal into any other type.