Let's take the following Python code:
a = 3
As far as I know, a is a reference to an object of class int — correct me if I am wrong. Diagrammatically, it should look something like this, as far as I know.
The object of 'int' class
containing value 3
a ----> | 3 |
Does the 'int' object in memory only contain the value 3 or it contains some space for other variables as well?
Our professor told us that it looks something like below:
The object of class 'int'
| ___ |
a ----> | |3| |
| --- |
So, is the remaining space utilized by some other variables?
Any object in Python inherits from the object
class, which means that it's treated as any Python object, not as a primitive value as you'd expect from a language like C. This is what people mean when they say that in Python, everything is an object.
For example, the int
class has a method __str__
that dictates what its string representation looks like:
>>> a = 3
>>> a.__str__()
You can use dir(a)
to get a list of every method associated with a
So to answer your question, yes - the int
object does not only allocates the space needed for the primitive value itself, but also for the whole Python object associated with it.