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Property 'map' does not exist on type 'OperatorFunction<Action, never>'.ts(2339)

I'm new to ngrx and following a not that old tutorial but it seems the way "map", "ofType", "of" and "pipe" are used, have changed, so "map" and "of" are throwing errors

"map" error : Property 'map' does not exist on type 'OperatorFunction'.ts(2339)


"of" error:// Property 'of' does not exist on type 'typeof Observable'.ts(2339)

Here is the Action:

export class GetUser implements Action {
     readonly type = GET_USER;
     constructor(public payload?: any) { }

Hereis the Effect:

 getUser: Observable<Action> = this.actions.pipe(ofType(userActions.GET_USER)
      **.map**((action: userActions.GetUser) => action.payload)
      .switchMap(payload => this.afAuth.authState)
      .map(authData => {
           if (authData) {
                const user = new User(authData.uid, authData.displayName);
                return new userActions.Authenticated(user);
           } else {
                return new userActions.NotAuthenticated();
      }).catch(err => Observable.**of**(new userActions.AuthError()));


  • Seems like this is using an older version of RxJS. Since version 6 (I believe), pipeable operators should be used. These are imported from 'rxjs/operators', e.g. import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';

     getUser: Observable<Action> = this.actions.pipe(ofType(userActions.GET_USER)
          ,map((action: userActions.GetUser) => action.payload)
          ,switchMap(payload => this.afAuth.authState)
          ,map(authData => {
               if (authData) {
                    const user = new User(authData.uid, authData.displayName);
                    return new userActions.Authenticated(user);
               } else {
                    return new userActions.NotAuthenticated();

    See the docs