I work on Vim with the solarized colorscheme.
In my .tex files, the syntax highlighting is different from $...$
to \[...\]
(or align environment).
The inline maths are in yellow, while the display-maths are in red.
The mathzone seems recognized because i'm using a math context with Ultisnips that works.
Is this difference normal, and if it is, is there a way to highlight the both in the same way ? I precise that i'm using Vimtex.
That's a colorscheme inconsistency. Solarized defines highlight only for texMathZoneX
but it does nothing with texMath
or texMathZoneY
. Hence the result. You can use other colorscheme or do some workaround. E.g.
augroup FixColors | au!
autocmd ColorScheme solarized
\ if &bg ==# 'dark' |
\ hi texMath ctermfg=3 ctermbg=8 guifg=#b58900 guibg=#002b36 |
\ else |
\ hi texMath ctermfg=3 ctermbg=15 guifg=#b58900 guibg=#fdf6e3 |
\ endif |
\ hi! link texMathZoneX texMath
augroup end