I have a Question about calculating the time complexity with O-Notation . We have given this Code ..
int a=0;
For (int j=0; j<n ; j++){
For(int i=0; i*i<j; i++){
a++; }
I think the solution ist O(n^2) That for the first for loop we need n and for the second we need n... but I as I answerd the exam Questions..I got zero points for it
... Also for another code
int g(int y){
If (y<10){
Return 1;}
else {
int a=0;
for ( int i=0;i<n;j++) {
return a+g(2(y/3)+1)+g(2(y/3)+2)+g(2(y/3)+3);}
I think the solution ist O(n) , That the variables time won't be calculated... the if sentence has a constant time O(1) and would be dominated by the for loop and the for loop would have O(n)
.... Also any advises or resources that explains how a program time would be calculated? And thank you :) 😃
For the first code, you have:
T(n) = 1 + sqrt(2) + ... + sqrt(n) = Theta(n\sqrt(n))
As i*i < j
means i < sqrt(j)
. For the second, you can use Akra-Bazzi theorem:
T(n) = T(2n/3+1) + T(2n/3+2) + T(2n/3+3) + n
and reach to T(n) = 3 T(2n/3) + n
to use the master thorem (~O(n^2.7)