Search code examples

Using search_fullarchive from rtweet with multiple operators (sandbox PREMIUM)

I am trying to use search_fullarchive from the rtweet package on sandbox PREMIUM with these exact search operators park OR parks, lang:en and point_radius:[51.5047 0.1278 25mi]. I have tried the following

test2 <- search_fullarchive(q = "park OR parks lang:en point_radius:[51.5074 0.1278 25mi]", n = 100, fromDate = "202003150000", toDate = "202003172359", env = "research", parse = TRUE, token = ActiveTravel_token)

The returned test2 object is a tbl_df filtered only by park OR parks. I've checked here and as a sandbox PREMIUM user I should be able to filter by lang: and point_radius:

Could someone please help me get the filtering to also match the other two operators lang:en and point_radius:[51.5047 0.1278 25mi].

Thanks in advance!

Best wishes, Irena


  • This should be as simple as wrapping the text in parentheses, with the whitespace acting as a logical AND for the other fields.

    q = "(park OR parks) lang:en point_radius:[51.5074 0.1278 25mi]"

    However, I've just tried this search and at the moment, it returns zero Tweets within that point radius over that date range. I substituted in another point radius (the Boulder, CO example from the Twitter API documentation, point_radius:[-105.27346517 40.01924738 10.0mi], and it successfully brought back Tweets that matched the search parameters.