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Hybris: What is the best way to manage data-smartedit-allow-origin (in index.html) for different environments if the application is hosted in CCV2?

What is the best way to manage data-smartedit-allow-origin (in index.html) for different environments if the application is hosted in CCV2? Currently, the value is hardcoded in index.html. For our Development Storefront, it's pointing to Development SmartEdit/Hybris. e.g. data-smartedit-allow-origin="Development-URL"

How about if we have other environments like Staging and Production environments? We are thinking of combining them into 1, like: data-smartedit-allow-origin="Development-URL,Staging-URL,Production-URL" But, this doesn't seem ideal. For Hybris, we can have different files for different environments. (e.g.,


  • The current suggestion from the Spartacus Team is "to have a consistent list of wildcard values, that apply across dev/staging/prod". e.g. data-smartedit-allow-origin="*" . This means a Development storefront can allow SmartEdit of other environments.
