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Why is [PrtSc] button not working in Intellij-Idea or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio?

I'm using a thrid-party screen capturing application (Screenpresso). It's configured to start screen-capturing when I press PrtSc. And indeed it works except when Intellij has Windows focus. In fact, to screen capture code I have to focus on any other window press PrtSc and then select the area within Intellij.

I've looked through all the settings, and especially the Keymap settings, and I can't see anything else that has been assigned to PrtSc. Of course, I'm not really sure; when I try to find a setting via Find actions by shortcut nothing happens, as pressing PrtSc has no effect.

I know this used to work for me in previous versions of Intellij (though I can't remember what versions). But PrtSc used to work in Intellij just like every other application.

So I guess the question is, why is Intellij eating the PrtSc keypress event? And can I turn it off so that the event gets correctly passed to my dedicated screen capturing application.

Intellij 2019.2.4 Windows 10, 64b


  • This turned out to be an issue with Screenpresso:

    Why shortcut [print screen] key does not always work?

    • This must be because you run your application with elevated privileges (with admin rights) (the UAC must have displayed a popup at startup).
    • For security reasons, Screenpresso can handle shortcuts from Windows running with elevated privileges only when it is installed in Program Files folder.
    • To fix this, you should install Screenpresso in Program Files folder which is not the default behavior:

      1. Uninstall Screenpresso
      2. Run again Screenpresso: Right click Screenpresso.exe and select Run as administrator
      3. Click on the INSTALL on this computer button while holding the Control key or click on the sub-menu Install for all users:

    enter image description here