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Adding a custom product listing CMS block in shopware 6

I try adding a custom CMS block for product listing in shopware 6. I can create other blocks for example image,text,... for those i don't have any problem. But about product listing i have problem.I do the steps correctly according to this document

But in admin panel i can't see My CMS block product listingi have only default product listing . Also for test i change value hidden:true in sw-cms/blocks/commerce/product-listing-exam/index.js with this value my block appears.But doesn't work.i can use of my block in shop page layout type but i need use this in listing page layout There is my source code : link


  • How did you created the image/text elements, did that work without problems? I created a cms block according to the documentation, but the block does not appear in the block list. There is a file in public/administration/js folder in the example plugin. Do you know what that does? Maybe the problem is because of that.