I'm executing ansible playbook with appuser
whereas I wish to create folder with user webuser
on localhost.
ssh keys are setup for webuser on my localhost. So after login with appuser
I can simply ssh webuser@localhost
to switch user to webuser
Note: I do not have sudo priveledges so I cannot sudo
to switch to webuser from appuser.
Below is my playbook that is run with user appuser but needs to create a folder 04May2020
on localhost using webuser
- name: "Play 1"
hosts: localhost
remote_user: "webuser"
ansible_ssh_extra_args: -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /app/misc_automation/ssh_keys_id_rsa
- name: create folder for today's print
path: "/webWeb/htdocs/print/04May2020"
state: directory
remote_user: webuser
However, the output shows that the folder is created with appuser
instead of webuser
. See output showing ssh connectivity with appuser
instead of webuser
ansible-playbook /app/Ansible/playbook/print_oracle/print.yml -i /app/Ansible/playbook/print_oracle/allhosts.hosts -vvv
TASK [create folder for today] ***********************************
task path: /app/Ansible/playbook/print_oracle/print.yml:33
Using module file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/modules/files/file.py
Pipelining is enabled.
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/python2 && sleep 0'
Can you please suggest if it is possible without sudo
Putting all my comments together in a comprehensive answer.
This is indicating that you are connecting to localhost through the local
connection plugin, either because you explicitelly re-declared the host as such or because you are using the implicit localhost. From discussions, you are in the second situation.
When using the local
connection plugin, as indicated in the above documentation, the remote_user
is ignored. Trying to change the user has no effect as you can see in the below test run (user (u)ids changed):
# Check we are locally running as user1
$ id -a
uid=xxxx(user1) gid=yyy(group1) groups=yyy(group1)
# Running the same command through ansible returns the same result
$ ansible localhost -a 'id -a'
localhost | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
uid=xxxx(user1) gid=yyy(group1) groups=yyy(group1)
# Trying to change the remote user has no effect
$ ansible localhost -u whatever -a 'id -a'
localhost | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
uid=xxxx(user1) gid=yyy(group1) groups=yyy(group1)
Without changing your playbook and/or inventory, the only solution is to launch the playbook as the user who needs to create the directory.
Since you have ssh available, an other solution is to declare a new host that you will use only for this purpose, which will target the local IP through ssh. (Note: you can explicitly declare localhost
like this but then all connections will go through ssh which might not be what you want to do).
Somewhere at the top of you inventory, add the line:
localssh ansible_host=
And in your playbook, change
hosts: localssh
Now the connection to your local machine will go through ssh and the remote_user
will be obeyed correctly.