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AWS : Passing Job parameters Value to Glue job from Step function

I have created 3 Glue jobs which have one of Job Parameters key/value like this: runid id

If I execute Glue job using AWS CLI like this, it is working fine: aws glue start-job-run --jobname $job --arguments='--runid="Runid_10"'

These 3 Glue jobs are inside one step function and state machine Definition is :

  "Comment":"Sample Step Function",
  "StartAt":"First Glue Job",
  "States": {
      "First Glue Job":{
         "Type": "Task",
         "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::glue:startJobRun.sync",
         "Parameters": {
            "JobName": "GlueJob-Firstjob"
      "Next": "Second Glue Job"
    "Second Glue Job":{
         "Type": "Task",
         "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::glue:startJobRun.sync",
         "Parameters": {
            "JobName": "GlueJob-Secondjob"
      "Next": "Third Glue Job"
    "Third Glue Job":{
         "Type": "Task",
         "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::glue:startJobRun.sync",
         "Parameters": {
            "JobName": "GlueJob-Thirdjob"
      "End": true

If I am try to execute this State machine with Input parameter, this input parameter value is not passing to Gluejob. Do I need to modify State machine job definition to pass input parameter value to Glue job which has passed as part of state machine run. Please guide me how to do it.

aws stepfunctions start-execution --state-machine-arn arn:aws:states:us-east-1:123456789012:stateMachine:HelloWorld --input "{runid":"Runid_10"}

State Machine is executing successfully but Runid value is not passing to Gluejob Parameters.

Please let me know how to pass Glue job parameters value which has inside state machine Definition.

I am using Arguments parameter like this:

  "Comment":"Sample Step Function",
  "StartAt":"First Glue Job",
  "States": {
      "First Glue Job":{
         "Type": "Task",
         "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::glue:startJobRun.sync",
         "Parameters": {
            "JobName": "GlueJob-Firstjob",
            "Arguments": {
      "ResultPath" : "$.runid",
      "Next": "Second Glue Job"
    "Second Glue Job":{
         "Type": "Task",
         "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::glue:startJobRun.sync",
         "Parameters": {
            "JobName": "GlueJob-Secondjob",
            "Arguments": {
      "ResultPath" : "$.runid",
      "Next": "Third Glue Job"
    "Third Glue Job":{
         "Type": "Task",
         "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::glue:startJobRun.sync",
         "Parameters": {
            "JobName": "GlueJob-Thirdjob",
            "Arguments": {
      "ResultPath" : "$.runid",
      "End": true

Passing Input JSON {"--runid" : "runid_10"} in Input-optional window during execution of "start execution" state machine.

Please Note : runid_n , where n is integer and will change.

I will append runid_10 value to the output file in Glue job and output file is like GlueJob-Firstjob_output_runid_10.csv


  • You need to add it inside Arguments within Parameters attribute so it will be like:

    "Parameters" : {
               "JobName": "GlueJob-Firstjob",
               "Arguments": {

    For your reference, you can check.Supported parameters section: here.

    UPDATE: You need to add ResultPath in your task definitions like:

    "First Glue Job":{
             "Type": "Task",
             "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::glue:startJobRun.sync",
             "Parameters": {
                "JobName": "GlueJob-Firstjob",
                "Arguments": {
           "ResultPath": "$.output"