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Facing Issue in Auto-login process on ORO Commerce

We have generated the new bundle. we need to integrate the bundle extension for our customer.

we need to follow the below steps:

  1. we have created the one request URL and that URL hit our system means ORO Commerce and we are getting the request parameters. like below: { "GWTSSO":{ "Type":"SetupRequest", "Name":"Ankit Root", "Email":"", "BuyerCookie":"1216541571JK517Q", "ReturnURL":"", "PhoneNumber":"111-222-333", "CustomerID":"10" } }

  2. After this user, we registered to our system ORO Commerce and then we generate the one Loggedinurl like below:


  1. After when customer hit this URL on the browser then this token-based user was automatically login to our system ORO Commerce.

Above step according we need to integrate the bundle extension. First and second step fulfillment but third step, not fulfillment So, please help me out the 3rd step we did not found any solution about the auto-login process. so, please help out on 3rd step.


  • punchout/sso_signin is not a built-in OroCommerce functionality.

    If you are using Vurbis PunchOut Connector for OroCommerce, please contact the Vurbis team directly for the support.

    If it's something else, then it's hard to help without knowing the implementation, you should provide more details or debug it by yourself.


    To automatically login the customer user you can use Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Security\LoginManager::logInUser() method.

    The method call would be like this:

    // $customerUser = $this->entityManager->find(CustomerUser::class, 1);
    $this->loginManager->logInUser('frontend', $customerUser);